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  •  Appeals before the Vidyut Ombudsman are governed under Regulation 3 of 2015 issued by the TSERC.

  •  An Appeal from the orders of the CGRF should be preferred within 45 days from the date of receipt of the orders.

  •  If an electricity consumer is aggrieved by the order passed by the CGRF concerned, an appeal can be made out, duly enclosing a copy of the order passed by the   CGRF. The appeal can be sent by   normal post. If  a confirmation about the receipt of the appeal in the office of the Vidyut Ombudsman is required, the appeal can be sent through registered post.

  •  On receipt of the appeal, the appeal will be numbered. Based on the earliest available date for hearing the matter, notices will be issued to the appellant as well as the respondents scheduling a hearing for the appeal. The material papers filed by the appellant will be communicated to the respondent officers requiring them to file their written submissions, if any, duly serving the same on the appellant.

  •  On the date of the hearing, the appellant as well as respondents are required to be present. If the appellants or respondents are desirous of getting their matter heard through a counsel, they can authorize an  advocate or some other knowledgeable person to appear on their behalf and argue the matter.

  •  Once the matter is heard and reserved for orders, final orders will be passed in the matter and communicated to the appellant as well as respondents.

  •  The Award and Interim orders of the Vidyut Ombudsman are binding on the Distribution Company.

  •  Clauses 3.38, 3.39, 3.42 of Regulation 3 of 2015 impose penalties for non compliance of the orders of the Vidyut Ombudsman.



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